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Stomach Cancer

Laparoscopic and Robotic Successful Stomach Cancer Surgeries

What is Stomach Cancer?

Stomach cancer is the most common type of cancer after breast cancer in women and lung cancer in men.  Gender, genetic factors, environmental factors related to socioeconomic status, dietary habits and gastritis due to Helicobacter pylori are effective in the emergence of gastric cancer.  Symptoms of the disease vary according to the region where the cancer cells are located and the stage of the cancer.  It is extremely important to know the preliminary symptoms and evaluate the symptoms as a sign of stomach cancer for the early diagnosis of the disease, since the complaints occur especially in the later stages of the disease.

What are the Symptoms of Stomach Cancer?

The diet is disrupted and weight loss is observed.

Loss of appetite is one of the common symptoms of stomach cancer.

If the cancerous tissues are located in the upper parts of the stomach, this stomach cancer causes a feeling of being stuck and swallowing difficulties with swallowing.

Complaints such as burning in the esophagus, feeling of fullness, bloating and belching can be seen.

If the cancer tissues are located in the lower parts of the stomach, nausea and vomiting are frequently observed.

In the later stages, bloody stool and bloody vomiting symptoms are observed.

All these symptoms are not sufficient to make a definitive diagnosis, and should be supported by physical examination findings and various tests.

Stomach Cancer Diagnosis

Various imaging methods should be used to diagnose stomach cancer.  Barium esophagus-stomach-duodenum radiography (OMD), endoscopy, ultrasonography, endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) options are the most preferred methods.  In patients presenting with stomach diseases, first endoscopic examination and biopsy evaluation are performed.  With the endoscopic imaging method, all parts of the stomach are examined in detail and an accurate diagnosis is made with biopsy at a rate of 85%.

Stomach Cancer Treatment Methods

The main treatment method for stomach cancer is the surgical operation called gastrectomy, which can be defined as the removal of the stomach.  With this operation, all tumor tissue in the stomach and lymph-like tissues are removed if it has spread.  In some cases, chemotherapy (drug therapy) can be applied for a certain period of time before and/or after surgery.

  • İbni Sina Health Care
  • Ataköy Kısım Mah. E5 Yan yol Cad. Nef 22 A Blok Kat:5 No:78 Bakırköy / İstanbul - Türkiye
  • +90 212 843 84 78
  • +90 212 843 84 78
  • info[@]ibnisinahealthcare.com
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